Alcohol detox is the first step to recovery by removing toxins (alcohol) from the body. During this time, people will experience various withdrawal symptoms including fatigue, tremors and confusion. This process can be painful at times and potentially dangerous, and that’s why it’s strongly recommended to be under the care of medical professionals during the detox process. The time it takes to detox depends on factors including, severity of alcohol abuse (tolerance), age, genetic factors, use of tobacco or drugs and overall mental and physical health. According to The New England Journal of Medicine, symptoms of withdrawal typically begin within eight hours from the last drink and peak around 72 hours. The symptoms of withdrawal will subside within 5-10 days, but your body may require time to repair from the alcohol abuse; and there maybe emotional or trauma issues that will require additional healing. Evidence-based research shows depression and short-term memory loss may occur and will require additional rehabilitation and therapy.  alcohol detox Going through alcohol detox at home can dangerous. People with severe alcohol abuse run the risk of not being able to manage their detox and complicating their recovery. Alcohol Rehab is a solution most people take advantage of because they provide a safe and secure environment with medical professionals specialized in recovery from substances like alcohol abuse.  After completing the detox process people enter a residential or outpatient treatment program where they uncover the cause of the alcohol abuse. They learn to build and maintain motivation, manage cravings and feelings and begin to develop a balanced lifestyle. This will include group therapy and individual alcohol addiction counseling.    Alcohol detox is the first step to recovery and with the help of our highly skilled team, we have the expertise and capability to treat a wide variety of afflictions ranging from alcoholism to drug addiction as well as their underlying issues. Our holistic approach to recovery develops the  motivation to overcome urges, manage your thoughts and develop a balanced life. To know more about hour our holistic approach to addiction, please call (844) 663-4746