Anyone who knows about Iris Healing® Retreat knows that we are big animal advocates and have a devoted passion for all living creatures. One bond that we have seen tremendous success with in our treatment programs revolves around the majestic ranch horses near our Woodland Hills center. These connections are rooted in the fundamentals of Equine Therapy, which provides therapeutic healing through activities and gentle moments with these amazing animals.   Shortened to EAP (or Equine Assisted Psychotherapy), this treatment method combines the use of horses, a licensed therapist and a qualified trainer to address specific recovery goals. What this does, is teach clients to learn about themselves through their interactions with the animals. This may include everything from a ride around the stable (and don’t worry, you don’t have to be an expert equestrian to feel these healing effects), to the brushing of the mane, to a simple feeding exercise. Through these experiences, we have seen our clients improve their coping skills tremendously and begin processing deeper feelings amid a safe and gentle environment.   If you have never gotten up close to a horse, we are here to tell you it is an amazing experience. Staring into their soulful eyes, feeling them gently nudge your hand and understanding the deep emotions these phenomenal creatures possess, it is truly breathtaking. In as little as one visit, we have seen people immediately lower their guard and begin to feel comfort.   Criticism is a common issue that our recovery clients have to deal with prior to entering treatment. What animals like horses bring is a completely non-judgmental environment. There is no one to impress, there are no feelings of shame, it is almost a primal journey that brings you face-to-face with a living being in its purest form.   It is for this reason that Equine Therapy has been a successful therapeutic method across the board. We have seen amazing results within our own recovery community, but beyond that these animals have been known to treat people suffering from eating disorders, autism, grief, PTSD, ADHD and a variety of other conditions.   And what is truly fascinating is how long this practice has been used. Horses have been part of the human healing process for centuries, dating back to the ancient Greeks and the works of Hippocrates. His writings, dutifully captured in 2003’s Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, describe the emotional relief and morale boosting that came from riding. Popular adoption of this method began in the 1960’s and it has been a powerful recovery tool ever since.   We highly encourage anyone facing a difficult addiction to take a step away from the intensity and stresses of modern life. Experience the simple, pure pleasures of nature with treatments like Equine Therapy and many others offered through Iris Healing® Retreat.