Holistic treatment for substance abuse focuses on all aspects of the individual. Holistic, by definition; means taking the whole person into account. Aside from treating the physical components of addiction, holistic treatments incorporate the emotional, mental and spiritual needs of the individual, as well. Addiction is a complex disease that affects body, mind and spirit, often creating a sharp disconnect between these parts of the self. This disassociation between mind, body and spirit creates a fragmented person.  On the other hand, successful recovery from drugs and alcohol strengthens the interconnections between mind, body and spirit. Evidence-based researched shows holistic treatment is integral to a person’s recovery. There are many benefits to holistic therapy, which teaches individuals how to self-regulate stressors and maintain mindful presence….well being… Holistic therapies can include a variety of treatment modalities including, individual talk therapy, yoga, meditation training, nutritional therapy, acupuncture and massage therapy to name a few.  Today, addiction treatment programs are more diverse with many treatment facilities providing a diverse group of treatment modalities. In the past few years a growing body of medical research has shown the value of holistic therapies during treatment.  As illustration, consider some of the more common holistic features of many current rehab programs and the science behind their effectiveness: Holistic treatment Holistic therapy techniques encourage stress reduction with the goal of creating a balanced life. Holistic therapies can reduce the physical symptoms of addiction and withdrawal during treatment. Holistic Therapies are effective with:
  •     Pain Management
  •     Emotional Imbalance
  •     Creating and maintaining motivation
  •     Help with urges
  •     Manage behavior and ruminations
At Iris Healing® Retreat we provide a safe and compassionate environment for your recovery in order for you to discover your authentic self. Our holistic center makes use of a wide range of therapies and caring treatments to help you start the next chapter in your life. If you are searching for a comprehensive and compassionate program for yourself or a loved one, Iris Healing® Retreat is the best place for your recovery. If you are ready to take the first step towards healing, make sure to call our holistic rehab today and schedule an appointment: (844)663-4747. For further information visit: IrisHealing.com