We know that people addicted to different drugs may show other signs of addiction. In this blog, we’ve cataloged some other signs of addiction to be watchful for. As with any mention of signs of addiction, you want to be careful not to view them in a vacuum. A person who is not addicted may show one or more of these signs. However, when someone exhibits many of them, over a period of time, then it might be time to reach out to someone at our healing retreat centers. Additionally, as with all things, you want to “trust your gut.” You know your loved one. Beyond these signs and behaviors, follow your instincts: if you think that something is wrong, reach out. healing retreat centers

General Signs

There are some generalized signs that a loved one might be addicted that we didn’t mention on our site. One of the biggest ones is that they have continued problems at their job or at school. Sure, everyone goes through a rough patch from time to time, and no one is always at their best. However, if all of a sudden their performance drops precipitously and doesn’t recover, then something else might be at work. This is especially true if your loved one either ignores the situation or does nothing to rectify it. A big warning sign is if your loved one all of a sudden ceases being concerned with their appearance or physical health. Completely neglecting their appearance, doing no grooming whatsoever can be clear signs that they might be addicted. Add into this someone suddenly gaining a lot of weight or ignoring any semblance of a healthy diet. Of course, in terms of physical health, the opposite could be true as well. Your loved one could suddenly lose quite a bit of weight as well on account of their addiction. If you start to see all of these activities, then it might be time to take action.


Opiates are some of the most dangerous drugs on the market today. With the opioid crisis showing few signs of slowing down, it’s natural to be worried that someone you love may be addicted to these drugs. The clearest sign to look for is if someone you love had been prescribed opiates, and then once the prescription ends, exhibits the same behavior they did while they were supposed to take the drugs. This could mean that your loved one has continued to use them beyond their prescription, which is one way that many people have gotten addicted. By that same token, you want to look for sudden problems with slurred speech or a loss of memory. If they can’t pay attention and struggle to stay awake, often drowsy or sedated. Many times, someone who’s abusing opiates has a reduced sense of pain. They may also be depression, confused and highly agitated. These can work in tandem with a general lack of awareness. They might not be paying attention to people, objects and more in their surroundings. To be clear, any person, (particularly one who recently took opiates to deal with pain from trauma, surgery or the like) could show similar behaviors to what’s listed in this paragraph. But, continuing to do so over time could ultimately be a sign that they’re addicted to the opiates.

Benzos, Stimulants and More

Many of the signs that someone is addicted to benzodiazepines are similar to the ones showing that a person is addicted to opiates. The drowsiness, slurred speech, memory problems and more. However, benzos can also add in concerns like dizziness, falls, involuntary eye movements and just a general lack of coordination. Stimulants, on the other hand, have many different signs than the other drugs. The signs that someone might be addicted to these drugs include increased alertness, aggression, insomnia, and even rapid speech.  The signs that someone is addicted to one of these drugs can be harder to spot, as some of the signs can appear positive, for a moment. They include excess confidence or even a feeling of exhilaration. These are all signs to watch for in someone you love.
Our Healing Retreat Centers
It’s incredibly difficult when someone you love is addicted to drugs. It’s never easy to help them to get the help that they need. That’s what the Iris Healing® Retreat is here for. We can help you to get your loved one into our facility so that they can gain the tools to lead to a sober life. For more information, call (844)663-4747.