Many of us today automatically associate Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with those returning from overseas military service. While PTSD is certainly an issue that many military personnel and veterans experience, any type of trauma can cause the many symptoms of PTSD and disrupt life. Sadly, PTSD very often leads to addiction as the person suffering seeks a way to dull the pain or escape from what they are experiencing. Finding quality therapy and help for PTSD and addiction is possible so that you or a loved one can get the treatment that will assist in coping with life better. PTSD and Addiction

PTSD and Trauma

The symptoms of PTSD can begin to appear following various types of trauma, not just from the experiences of war. People experience a variety of traumatic incidents in life today, such as living through a natural disaster like an earthquake, experiencing a violent situation at home like domestic violence or sexual abuse, or even terrorist threats and acts like school or office shootings or bombings. These experiences can scar and numb a person, leaving them traumatized and in need of  finding a way to deal with the stress. In turn, that can cause them to experience insomnia, to withdraw from family and friends, hallucinations, and more.

Leading to Addiction

PTSD and addiction have become linked because so many people today suffering from PTSD turn to the use of illicit or prescription drugs, or alcohol, to help them “escape” from what they are experiencing. The drugs or alcohol allow them to avoid or numb themselves so that the pain and trauma go away. Unfortunately, over time, more and more of the substances are needed to get the “high” or “normal” experiences they are getting from life, leaving the person trapped in addiction.

Getting Help with Addiction

If you or a loved one are facing PTSD and addiction and need help, come to us at Iris Healing® Center to get the assistance you seek. We are experts with dual diagnosis treatment and can provide you with the medical and psychological care you need that can put you on the path to recovery. Please call us at 844-663-4747 to speak with a staff member confidentially so you can get more information about the services we have to help you. Alternatively, if you prefer to make your inquiry in writing, please send  an email to and we will answer any questions you may have.