How Mindfulness Doesn’t Mean Meditation
IrisHealth Basics
How Mindfulness Doesn’t Mean Meditation
When we talk about meditation and mindfulness in recovery, many times we confuse the two for meaning the same thing. It’s easy to think that being mindful means meditation, but they’re different concepts. Mindfulness often times comes from the act of meditating. The word mindfulness quite literally means paying mind to or becoming aware of the present moment. Meditation is a way of quieting the mind, often leading to a state of mindfulness.
Meditation is the practice of becoming aware of the present in an attempt to quiet the mind. Popularly, sitting cross legged with your eyes closed is the most common way to meditate— with the goal to become aware of the thoughts that come, and not to become attached to them. Rather than labeling with a story attached to these thoughts, noticing them come and pass while leaving your mind as blank as possible. Many times, guided meditations are especially helpful for reaching a point of peace and relaxation.
Mindfulness is the practice of being mindful or aware of the present. As we’ve talked about meditation, it’s easy to see how mindfulness often comes from the practice of meditation. Mindfulness though can be achieved without a meditation practice by becoming to be aware of the present moment.