Iris Healing® Retreat, Woodland Hills, CA

What Does Adderall Feel Like?

Adderall is a commonly prescribed drug for ADHD. However, it can cause addiction and death when abused. Read on to learn how to prevent Adderall misuse.


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What Is Adderall?

Adderall is a prescription medication that works as a psychostimulant. In America, over 16 million people take this drug or its alternatives to treat a variety of illnesses. The substance was originally synthesized in the 1930s and was marketed as a diet and energy pill that found use on both the battlefield and in everyday homes. The early years of Adderall precede medical science research into the dangers of stimulants or addiction in general.1  

What is Adderall Used to Treat?

Adderall is most used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. It is prescribed to help curb the effects of learning disorders in adults and children as young as nine years old. It can also help with narcolepsy and chronic fatigue (source).

In the non-medical community, Adderall may also be rumored to treat anxiety. However, it can intensify the effects of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.1     

Street Names

Adderall, when obtained illegally, may also be called:

  • Addys
  • Crank 
  • Upper 
  • Speed 
  • Scrips (Interchangeable amount perception drug use) 
  • Black Beauties 
  • Study Buddy 

Side Effects of Adderall

Adderall, as a psychostimulant, can cause negative side effects even when taken responsibly. More severe Adderall side effects occur in individuals that take the drug but do not show signs of ADHD, meaning they use it recreationally. Additionally, when taken in excess, it can cause negative physical symptoms as well.

When taken as prescribed, Adderall can improve attention, memory, and cognitive reasoning. Each of these side effects plays a major role in academic learning. Moreover, because Adderall boosts mental performance, there’s a connection between it and quality of life.2    

Adderall Effects

The side effects of this substance cause several brain and body changes, especially when taken to excess. Here are some of the most common negative effects of the drug.
  • Confusion
  • Irritability 
  • Aggression 
  • Headaches 
  • Insomnia 
  • Body pain 
  • Twitchiness 
  • Red eyes 
Moreover, when taken in excess, the liver and kidney will have a hard time filtering the drug out of the body. This difficulty can cause severe stress on internal organs and lead to cramps and discomfort. It can also cause an increased heart rate and higher blood pressure.2

Adderall Overdose

The majority of Adderall snorting misuse occurs in college-aged individuals eighteen to twenty-five. While many Adderall misusers obtain and take the drug at parties, a large portion of them develops dependency from using it as a study drug.

There are roughly twenty-five Adderall-related overdoses in emergency rooms annually. However, that number does not account for non-fatal visits, aggravation of comorbid disorders, or the residual mental state from long-term misuse. An example is that this drug causes high blood pressure, which significantly raises the chance of heart attacks and strokes. The long-term effects of an elevated heart rate include worn-out heart valves, which can lead to difficulty breathing and low energy levels for years following misuse.

Consider individuals suffering from mental illnesses like addiction, depression, or anxiety; taking Adderall may lead to relapse and worsening mental health symptoms.3       

How Long Does Adderall Last?

Adderall remains active in the body for up to six hours. However, the extended-release version can last up to twelve hours. Most Adderall prescriptions suggest taking the drug in the morning to avoid disrupting sleep patterns. It is rarely recommended to take more than two doses per day. 4         

How Long Does Adderall Stay in Your System?

Adderall is detectable for up to three months in hair and up to five days in urine samples. Metabolites, the residuals leftover from chemicals, can last much longer in the system. The build-up of this drug’s metabolites can cause long-term issues in the kidney and liver. 4   

What Happens When You Snort Adderall?

Snorting any drug gets it into the bloodstream faster which causes more intense symptoms. 

Side Effects of Snorting Adderall

Snorting Adderall causes amplified feelings of energy, focus, and mental speed. However, snorting the drug also causes damage to the inner nose, which can lead to a breakdown of tissue resulting in ruined breathing passages, frequent mucus build-up, and severe sinus infection. 

Snorting Adderall vs. Taking It Orally

Adderall is meant to be taken in manageable oral doses. When taken as recommended, it produces the intended effect. Snorting this drug can cause the effects to occur much quicker and stronger than intended, which can result in dependency.

The initial effects of an excess of Adderall snorting may be pleasurable. The pleasure is caused by the brain rapidly producing dopamine and other positive brain chemicals. Adderall is addictive and harmful when taken in excess regardless of the method. However, nasal ingestion of the drug increases the likelihood of dependency.5      

Signs of Adderall Abuse

Adderall abuse can occur in anyone, even those with no prior history of drug abuse. It takes a medical or addiction professional to diagnose drug dependency. However, there are signs to look for if you or a loved one needs help.5  

Signs That Someone Is Snorting Adderall

  • Visual: Dilated pupils, twitchiness, and clammy skin are a few of the common visual cues of substance abuse. An individual may look disheveled or tired due to insomnia from this dependency. Long-term snorting from Adderall can cause a deviated septum which manifests as a thinning of the nose.
  • BehavioralIn excess, this drug causes extreme levels of aggression, anxiety, paranoia, and other mood disorders. To the friends and families of individuals with Adderall addiction, it may seem as though the person changed overnight, which can be a key indicator of drug use. Individuals suffering from dependency are more prone to cancel plans, disregard responsibilities. As a result, relationships began to suffer.  

The Dangers of Adderall Abuse

The side effects of Adderall snorting and corresponding overdoses occur from recreational use or allergies to the drug. Over 1,400 people visit the emergency room annually due to Adderall overdose, and that number is rising. 6

Like any drug, Adderall impacts more than just cognitive function, internal organs can also feel the effects of chronic drug use. Here’s how snorting it affects your brain and body when abused.    


Excess use of this drug disrupts various brain chemicals, which results in mania, hallucination, and lowered cognitive reasoning. This response can cause a person to engage in dangerous behavior or put others at risk due to their debilitating mental state.

In long-term abuse, this substance lowers the amount of positive brain chemicals like dopamine which results in depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Adderall, akin to cocaine and methamphetamine, causes drastic changes to the reward and motivation center of the brain. A person suffering from dependency will feel tired and low energy to these changes.  

Blood Pressure

Adderall, a stimulant, increases blood pressure and heart rate which can result in stroke and heart attacks. Long-term use can make breathing and blood flow difficult. It can also lead to kidney disease and liver failure. 

Respiration Rates

Increased heart rates cause rapid breathing and hyperventilation, which can cause a person to pass out or choke.  


Adderall can cause seizures in a small percentage of its users. However, the likelihood of drug-induced seizures goes up in cases of poly-drug use. Individuals that engage in multiple drugs, including alcohol, at once have the highest chance of having a seizure and other health complications.  

Getting Help for Adderall Addiction

Getting help for Adderall snorting and addiction can start with as little as a call or visit to a rehabilitation clinic or drug recovery group. Dependency is a lifelong journey, but it is essential to start as soon as possible. At Iris Healing Center, our Adderall Rehab in Los Angeles can help you get back on track to the path of recovery. 


Drug detoxing involves abstaining from drug use and allowing your body to heal. Detoxing will cause symptoms of withdrawal which vary between drugs. Adderall withdrawal causes nervousness, insomnia, irritability, low energy levels, and trouble focusing. Withdrawal symptoms can last a few days to a few months, depending on the history of use. In a medical environment, there are systems in place to help ease withdrawal symptoms.   


Medication may be prescribed to treat the effects of Adderall snorting, abuse, and withdrawal, and any underlying health issues such as depression. A medical professional may also help develop a diet plan to ensure the person in recovery has the energy and nutrition needed for long-term rehabilitation. 


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Adderall Rehab in Los Angeles

Helping you create a life free from Adderall, in a luxury and holistic setting.

adderall rehab los angeles

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At Iris Healing, we offer specialized Adderall rehab in Los Angeles for individuals seeking recovery from Adderall addiction. Our dedicated team provides personalized care to help individuals overcome their addictions and achieve long-lasting sobriety. With a combination of evidence-based therapies, medication management, and holistic practices, we support our clients on their recovery journeys.

If your a loved one is struggling with adderall abuse, our addiction treatment programs can help. Call us now at 844-663-4747 or verify your insurance now.

What Is Adderall & Why Is It Addictive?

Adderall is a prescription medication and controlled substance that contains amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which are stimulant drugs. It is commonly prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Adderall works by increasing neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which can improve focus, attention, and alertness.

Adderall has a high potential for abuse and addiction due to its stimulating effects on the central nervous system. When taken recreationally or in higher doses more frequently than prescribed, individuals often experience feelings of euphoria, elevated energy levels, and enhanced cognitive functions. 

These pleasurable effects eventually lead to dependence on the drug. Additionally, the more Adderall is abused, the more tolerance grows, requiring higher dosages to achieve the desired effects. As a result, addiction develops, making it very difficult to reduce or stop Adderall use without professional help.

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Signs and Symptoms of Adderall Addiction

Signs and symptoms of Adderall addiction can vary depending on the individual, the duration and frequency of use, and the dosage taken. Some common indicators to look out for include:

How Do I Know I Need Adderall Rehab?

If you are experiencing any of the signs and symptoms of Adderall addiction mentioned above, it is a strong indication you could benefit from Adderall rehab in Los Angeles. Additionally, other factors to consider when determining if you need professional help include:

Our Adderall Rehab Programs

Our Adderall Los Angeles rehab programs are designed to foster healing and recovery on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. We offer a range of treatment programs and services customized to the unique needs of every client. 


Our detox program offers medical supervision and support to safely manage withdrawal symptoms during the initial phase of recovery from Adderall addiction. It is the vital first step to long-term successful recovery.

Residential Rehab

Our residential program provides 24/7 monitoring and structured care in a supportive environment, offering therapeutic interventions, skills development, and holistic treatments for Adderall addiction. This program is well-suited for those who lack a supportive home environment or have a severe addiction to Adderall.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Our PHP offers intensive treatment during the day, allowing clients to return home or stay in a sober living facility in the evenings. This is a step-down program from our residential treatment or for those that need structured and routined treatment but do not require 24/7 monitoring.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our IOP is a step-down level of care from our PHP. It provides continued support with fewer weekly therapy hours as clients transition back into their daily routines. It is well-suited for those with a mild Adderall addiction with a strong support system at home.

Outpatient Rehab

Our outpatient rehab program allows individuals to continue receiving therapy and support as they transition to living independently and maintaining work or school commitments. Outpatient care helps individuals maintain their sobriety, continue to develop new coping skills, and manage stress levels in real-world situations.

Side Effects of Adderall

Adderall usage, whether taken as prescribed, misused, or taken recreationally, can have several side effects, including:

Long-Term Effects of Adderall Use

Long-term use of Adderall can cause severe changes in the brain. One long-term side effect is the decrease in dopamine, the chemical messenger responsible for experiencing pleasure.
Moreover, long-term use can also lead to physical and psychological dependence. Some other severe Adderall side effects include
adderall rehab los angeles

What To Expect At Our Adderall Rehab in Los Angeles

At our Adderall rehab in Los Angeles, clients can expect a personalized, evidence-based, and holistic approach to addiction treatment that includes the following:

Comprehensive Assessment

 Our team conducts a thorough evaluation to determine the severity of your Adderall addiction and any co-occurring mental health conditions.

Individualized Treatment Plan

Based on the assessment results, we work with you to develop a customized treatment plan tailored to meet your specific needs and recovery goals.

Medication Management

When appropriate, medication may be prescribed by our medical professionals to help manage withdrawal symptoms or for co-occurring disorders.

Holistic Therapies

You are also encouraged to participate in holistic treatments such as yoga, meditation, art therapy, and nutrition counseling.

Aftercare Planning

Our team will work with you to create a comprehensive aftercare plan that includes resources for ongoing support and relapse prevention strategies to help you sustain your recovery long-term.

Find Rehab for Adderall in Los Angeles Today

Take the initial step toward healing and recovery from Adderall addiction today. Iris Healing in Los Angeles offers compassionate and comprehensive rehab programs to help you discover the path to a healthier, drug-free future. Contact us now to start your journey toward lasting sobriety free from Adderall and a brighter tomorrow.

More On Adderall Addiction

Opioid painkillers, heroin, and fentanyl became the center of America’s drug problem in the past decade. However, drug forecasting experts say that an alarming stimulant epidemic is happening, and the US is not ready for it.

Abuse of stimulants such as cocaine and prescription drugs like Adderall and Ritalin is increasing across the nation.

In 2016, around 2.3 million people started using opioids to get high for the first time, compared to 2.6 million people who started abusing stimulant drugs for the same purpose. In the same year, roughly 3.8 million people said they used opioids to get high within the last month, compared to 4.3 million people who said the same about stimulants.2

One recent research letter published in JAMA Network Open analyzed more than 1 million drug testing results and found positive hits for meth increased 487% from 2013 to 2019.3

According to a CDC report, stimulant-involved overdoses across all demographic groups have nearly doubled between 2015 (12,500) and 2017 (24,275).4

Ritalin vs. Adderall

Both Ritalin and Adderall are central nervous system (CNS) stimulants prescribed for the treatment of ADHD. Ritalin reaches peak performance more quickly but is also shorter-acting. Adderall, on the other hand, reaches peak performance more slowly but stays active in the system for a longer time.

Vyvanse vs. Adderall

Vyvanse and Adderall are two stimulants that are prescribed for ADHD. Although both drugs are controlled substances, Vyvanse carries a lesser risk for abuse. Adderall contains dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, while Vyvanse contains lisdexamfetamine.

Dexedrine vs. Adderall

Adderall and Dexedrine are two central nervous stimulants that treat ADHD and narcolepsy. Adderall contains dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, while Dexedrine contains only dextroamphetamine. Both Adderall and Dexedrine are more potent drugs than Ritalin.

Natural Alternatives to Adderall

The most widely recommended natural alternatives to Adderall include:

  • Magnesium supplements
  • Citicoline
  • Methionine
  • Mineral supplements
  • GABA supplements
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Pycnogenol

Rates of Adderall Abuse

The rates of Adderall have increased over the years. Adderall is abused for its positive effects, particularly the feelings of confidence, euphoria, improved concentration, and decreased appetite. It is abused for various purposes, including weight loss, studying, athletic performance, recreation, and staying awake.


Adderall is commonly abused by high school and college students to help them focus and stay awake for longer. In 2019, around 3.9% of high school seniors in the US said they used Adderall. Some of them obtained the drug from their doctors, while others purchased it on the street.5 Another study of 10,000 college students found that more than half of students with an Adderall prescription were asked to sell the drug to their peers.6


Some Athletes abuse Adderall to help with fatigue and boost their performance. Adderall may also improve reaction time, especially when an athlete is feeling fatigued. Some even believe that Adderall improves mental performance. The drug has been banned from almost every sports organization, including the NCAA, MLB, and NFL.


Executives abuse substances like Adderall in an attempt to achieve optimal cognitive performance. Adderall makes them feel they can focus better, work faster, and multitask effectively. However, studies have shown no evidence of improved cognitive performance with this drug’s abuse, and long-term abuse of this drug can cause harmful side effects.

Disordered Eating

People dealing with an eating disorder may abuse Adderall because it decreases appetite. Misusing Adderall can lead to malnutrition. Other serious side effects include high blood pressure, heart rate changes, heart attack, and sudden death.

More: Adderall for Weight Loss